Saint James Lodge #102 F. & A.M.
77 Tide Mill Road - P.O. Box 1202
Hampton, New Hampshire, 03842
Phone: 603-926-9563

Hello Brethren,
The Valentine’s dinner went very well and I want to thank Ben Delorge and Nathan Page for all the work preparing and cleaning up.
March is here and we have a lot of events coming up. We need to have at least 8 brothers from St. James to go to Gideon in Kingston NH. to take back our traveling gavel. Gideon showed up at our stated with 8 masons to take the gavel back. We recaptured the gavel from Gideon last year and now we need to get it back March 4th, 2025! Gideon is a great lodge and often shows up to St. James Lodge for our stated meetings.
We also have a Masters & Wardens meeting on Thursday March 27, 2025 at St. Andrews Lodge in Portsmouth, NH. 6:30 pm and is open to all masons.
The meeting is to get together with all the district 1 lodges and discuss our upcoming events.
We will be serving lasagna, salad and bread for dinner at the March Stated meeting. We will also be having Ice cream cake for collation.
Contact Ray Gamble at gambini1@comcast.net or
call or text to 603-686-2317 you can bring your significant other to the stated
meeting dinner anytime. If you plan on attending any of the meals please let me know with the above contact info. We would like to have a rough head count for each meal.
We meet for breakfast every Tuesday at 8:00 am at for conversation, a few great stories, and some joking around and we always have a good time.
Please join us and support the Fraternity.
Have a great month and we hope to see you at the Lodge.
Ray Gamble Sr. Warden
“Not just a man a Mason”