Saint James Lodge #102 F. & A.M.
77 Tide Mill Road - P.O. Box 1202
Hampton, New Hampshire, 03842
Phone: 603-926-9563

The Jewel of Junior Warden's Office is the Plumb,... which is a stonemason's instrument used for ascertaining the alignment of a vertical surface. It symbolizes upright behavior among Masons.
The obligations of the Junior Warden are:
Be knowledgeable of the opening, closing, conferring of degrees, and how to conduct a business and/or stated meeting. You may open the lodge if the Master and Senior Warden are unable to attend the meeting.
As third in command of the lodge start to prepare to fill in for the Master in the absence of the Worshipful Master and Senior Warden or be prepared to appoint a past master to do so.
Promptness and regular attendance at all Lodge meetings and special social functions.
Assisting the Senior Warden in "special functions."
Carrying out any duties assigned by the Worshipful Master, such as
o Supervision when the Lodge is at refreshment.
o Being a part of the Lodge Greeting Committee.
o Serving on the Social Committee.
Supervision of arrangements for visitations to other Lodges and return visitations.
To prefer charges as set forth under New York Blue Book Regulations.
It is the Junior Warden's duty to arrange meals and/or refreshment for the lodge, and, typically, the 2 Stewards act as his assistants in this responsibility. Symbolically, it is also his duty to make certain that the members do not convert their refreshment into intemperance or excess. This is a holdover from earlier days, which still remains as part of the Junior Warden's job description, even though in most U.S. jurisdictions, alcohol is barred from the lodge.
The Junior Warden is primarily a liaison officer or coordinator of activities. This does not mean that he takes the spotlight, but is a vital member of the TEAM.
Call the Worshipful Master as soon as possible if you are unable to attend a regular or special communication or lodge function in which your attendance is expected.