Saint James Lodge #102 F. & A.M.
77 Tide Mill Road - P.O. Box 1202
Hampton, New Hampshire, 03842
Phone: 603-926-9563
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM (Dark during months of July and August)

Upcomming Events
Upcoming Events in March, For
Your Calendar

4 Gideon Stated #84 Stated 6pm
5 St. Johns Stated 6pm
6 MajGen John Sullivan Stated 6:30
10 St. Andrews #56 Stated 6pm
13 Star in the East #59 Stated 7pm
17 Saint Patrick’s Day
18 Rockingham #76 Stated 7:30pm
20 Saint James #102 Stated 6pm
20 St. Johns Stated 6pm
22 Gideon, Ham & Bean Supper 4:00pm
25 Tucker #99 Stated 630pm
27 Masters Class, Star in the East 6:30pm
29 43 Annual New England Brotherhood Night
5:00-9:00pm Bektash Shrine Concord.



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